Fear and the uneducated : Masonic Thoughts
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Fear and the uneducated

by Scott Garan on 04/12/12

So, I have been looking at some recent posts, and doing some research on both freemasonry and anti-masonry.   Ironically, both masons and anti-masons want the same thing.   In essence, it is to find out what it is all about!   What is freemasonry, and how can it help me become a better man, or in the minds of the anti-mason why is it so dangerous.   The common thread, however, is knowledge of the order.

For masons, we actually join the Lodge, and EXPERIENCE what it has to offer.   We do research that is sound, and based upon information that is as accurate as history will allow.  

Many anti-masons, however, may do some research based on the historical, but also fall into the trap of finding research based upon what other anti-masons write!   This is where the real danger exists, as it does nothing but spread ignorance.   Having attained the 32 degree, I am amazed at the misinformation that is on the anti-masonry websites!  Much of it is not even close to what goes on in the Lodges.   That is not to say that some of it is right, as it is, but the majority is not base upon anything factual.

For those interested in masonry, perhaps the best way to find out more about what we do is ask.   Certainly we cannot tell everything, as part of the journey is experiencing it yourself, but general information is made readily available.

Masonry is a wonderful journey that can last a lifetime.   The friendships formed are that, TRUE FRIEND!   If you are considering joining, simply ask!


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